Saturday, December 03, 2005

I have only half of my usual breakfast amount preparing myself for the numerous twist roads ahead. 1864 twists of 245 kilometers from Chiang Mai to Mae Hong Son are waiting for a traveller. Thank goodness that there are some attractions along the 1095 route. The first one is “Pong Doeat”.

Unlike other hot springs that are the hot pool type, "Pong Dueat" is a geyser that is usually of a very high temperature and pressure. Usually, it springs higher than the earth’s surface either occasionally or all the time, but the highest spring will always occur at a steady period. A geyser originates from the accumulation of gas in hot water so that the pressure is higher than usual whereas a hot pool originates from the flows of hot water from under the ground onto the surface and becomes shallow pools. The surface temperature of a geyser is between 90-99 degrees Celsius while that of the underground water is between 170-203 degrees Celsius.

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