Sunday, April 12, 2009

Victoria State - Sunny Ridge Farm and Phillip Island

Today we visit the Sunny Ridge Farm where we can pick our own strawberry from the farm. The Icecream here is very delicious.

After the strawberry lunch and strawberry icecreme, we then drive to Phillip Island to see the Penquin Parade. The camera is not allowed on site.

Approximately 26,000 little penguins live in the waters around Phillip Island, 4,500 of which have their burrows around Summerland Beach on the far south-western point of the Island. The little penguins are native to Australia and are the smallest of their species, standing at a mere 33 centimetres. They return to their burrows each evening to rest or, in the breeding season from August to March, to feed their young. They leave their burrows again about an hour before sunrise and spend the day in the sea swimming up to 100 kilometres to catch their daily ration of fish.

At the information center where we buy the tickets and the postcards.

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